
Has complete in-house pre-press and packaging development solution. The department comprises of highly experienced teams with technical and creative expertise and all the requisite equipment to cater to every client’s needs.

Our in-house pre-press team faced the challenge of handling more and more orders, while at the same time guaranteeing the high-quality results for which we have become renowned.


Our competences include

  • SCREEN – CTP In-house Computer-to-Plate (CTP).
  • High Quality digital proofs on Epson Stylus .
  • AOKE Plotter cutter for preparing dummy cartons with a possibility of creasing, cutting and perforation to have an actual look and feel of the product without the actual printing run.
  • KASEMAKER Software for key-line construction.
  • ILLUSTRATOR, CORAL DRAW, PHOTOSHOP for design of cartons, labels and leaflets


Computer-to-plate (CTP) is an imaging technology used in modern printing processes. In this technology, an image created in a Desktop Publishing (DTP) application is output directly to a printing plate.

CTP Technology Offers Key Competitive Advantages

  1. Time Savings
  2. Cost reductions
  3. Improvement in Print Quality
  4. 100% Control
  5. Speed and flexibility
  6. Process automation

Digital transformation journey


Powerful, native PDF native PDF prepress editing

The next generation prepress editor continues to evolve

ArtPro+ is the native PDF editor for packaging prepress. It not only reduces unintentional errors when editing, but also means that instead of working with a proprietary file format, you are working with the PDF standard. With ArtPro+, you can enjoy the significant benefits of working directly on PDF files with a complete set of editing features.

Features & Benefits
  • PDF files edited with ArtPro+ are self-contained and comply with latest PDF for packaging standards, such as ISO 19593.
  • ArtPro+ enables Variable Data Printing at the click of a button for labels and folding carton converters
  • ArtPro+ automates repeating prepress tasks, enabling more standardization so you can get more work done.